Tech CEOs Sometime Say the Most Untruthy Things About PR. Here’s Eleven.

Sean Garrett
2 min readJan 5, 2017

First, let me establish that I love tech CEOs. They are the best. Their entrepreneurial mission-based zeal is unparalleled — as is their ability to sustain my raw, organic coconut water addiction.

In the span of 20(!) years of working with them, I’ve seen one remarkable consistency from generation to generation of tech leaders when it comes to comms: They say stuff about it that’s not true.

None of this is intentional or malicious lying. Most of it comes from a desire to say the ‘right’ thing as opposed to what they really feel — or what they end up truly feeling later.

Here are eleven doozies that tech execs tell to themselves and others:

11. As long as we get the product right, I’m fine with not getting any good press for now.

10. I’ll look great pictured with that technology on my face.

9. I care more about media coverage in outlets my customers read than those that my board members read.

8. I don’t care about lists of top this or that.

7. I understand that my unknown product may not get the same attention as a multi-billion dollar valued company at launch.

6. I care more about the substance of the two thousand word deep dive into my business than the full-page photo of me looking awkward.

5. Of course I want to maintain a sustained proactive communications push after our launch.

4. I’ve got an inside line on Mike Isaac. He faves my tweets.

3. Yes, I will spend the time necessary to write a thoughtful Medium post on our industry’s future.

2. We want press so we can hire engineers.

  1. I don’t need media training.



Sean Garrett

Co-founder & partner, The Pramana Collective. Attendee of the first Can show in Cologne.